We support teenage girls that have been abused and now left to fend for themselves. Without adequate food, shelter, medical assistance, or a means of sustaining a living, these girls are in dire need. Through our depth of onsite and community outreach activities, we help reshape the future for these girls and supporting communities of the Kigoma region.
Living Soul is a powerhouse of action and resources to help change the narrative when it comes to the treatment and support of teenage girls, not only affecting their futures, but also the overall interaction and expansion in the concepts of supporting one another, regardless of sex and to cherrish the value of motherhood and raising children to also in tern have a future.​​
Our Programs
The Rescue Center - Onsite Programs​
Motherhood Development
Birth classing
Child development
Tailored goods
Custom programs.
Education Resources:
General Education. Reading and writing skills
Core Values Education
Spiritual education
Onsite Farm. Supports the facility to live off of the land, reduce running expense and act as a catalyst for the Agriculture programs
Tailoring shop. Sewing machines, garment materials, etc.
Local Youth Center. Saturday Youth Center Gathering
24 Hour Hotline
Medical support
Food & Safe Housing
Onsite Staff
Offsite Programs
Community Education Outreach. To teach core values that foster better treatment of Tanzanian youth. These core values help reduce child pregnancies, gender biases, keep girls in schools, gender violence.
Educate in the Schools - Bringing the message to the teachers and kids
Community Outreach - Bringing the message to the families living in the community
Government. Collaborating with government agencies to allow the LSF education message to be brought to the various groups (Schools, community, etc.).
Regional Education